Park Pavilion

Funded through Friends of the Wells

Friends of the Wells

New Mineral Water Book now available!

The Mineral Waters of Excelsior Springs, Missouri book coverA new historical and educational book, “The Mineral Waters of Excelsior Springs, Missouri”, has been authored by Excelsior Springs historian Dennis Hartman. The book will be available on December 5. All of the proceeds from book sells will go to projects of the Friends of the Wells.

Use the  form to order books now or purchase locally at Other Trails Coffee Shop, 115 E. Broadway, downtown Excelsior Springs. Other locations available soon!

The Friends of the Wells have completed inspection and testing of Lithia Well No. 1 and Soda Well No 1. Testing results for Lithia Well No. 1 were most favorable.

The primary purpose is to find an existing mineral water well that can be returned to use in drinking and, perhaps, spa bathing, at the Hall of Waters.

The Lithia Well is adjacent to the area that Downtown Excelsior Partnership wishes to develop Lithia Landing, an outdoor gathering spot on Broadway.

FOTW is a group of like-minded citizens that have come together in an effort to restore at least one variety of our mineral water to share with residents and visitors. It is our vision to have the water available for tasting, something that almost every visitor to Excelsior Springs asks about.

Excelsior Springs should also promote our community for geotourism. Geotourism is defined as tourism that sustains or enhances the distinctive geographical character of a place – its environment, heritage, aesthetics, culture and the well-being of its residents. There are more groupings of mineral water in Excelsior Springs than anywhere else in the world. Groupings of water are ferro-manganese, sodium bicarbonate, calcium bicarbonate and saline sulphur.

The entire city stands to benefit through increased economy, heritage tourism, and community pride. FOTW believe that the greatest, positive impact to restoration of the Hall of Waters would be to have at least one of our waters available at the water bar. It is also an important step in promoting tourism, an industry supporting our hotel and downtown businesses. It would provide new opportunities for our local breweries, further business development for retail and event venues throughout the community, and provide job creation. It will instill new pride in our heritage and provide authenticity to our origin story.

If you would like to help with mineral water restoration activities, please donate any amount using the form on this page or mail a check made to the Community Foundation (note that it is for Friends of the Wells) to:

ES Community Foundation
P.O. Box 573
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024

Thank you for your consideration!
Friends of the Wells